• He is mostly potty trained but still has the occasional accident.
• He talks, but is kinda hard to understand. I don’t worry because his pronunciation and vocabulary are improving daily.
• It takes some coaxing, and I hate to admit sometimes bribing, to get him to eat his vegetables.
• We have had our share of doctors appointments to treat a runny nose and the sniffles, I have antibiotics in my refrigerator.
• My husband and I discuss on a regular basis what new and cute things he is learning how to do.
• He loves bath time.
• He has a million toys that end up all over, but he still manages to get into things he shouldn’t.
• His silly antics and innocent curiosity keeps me busy but makes me laugh.
Disclaimer: Just because my parrot is like a toddler, doesn’t mean a toddler is like my parrot. I wouldn’t advise trying to place a toddler in a cage, turning on the T.V. for entertainment, and leaving for the afternoon. I also do not condone teaching a child to use the restroom only on the newspaper.
Here’s to Tarzan
I'm sad that we have yet to meet Tarzan- I bet he and Lucy would sit and chat, and have a grand time together!