Friday, May 28, 2010

Polly Wanna "Barrett"

I believe one of the best ways to gauge the kind of words spoken in ones home is to have a parrot. A parrot that LOVES to repeat what he hears. Tarzan is just that, a parrot with an extensive vocabulary.

I took it as a good sign when one of his first noises he mimicked was laughter. We have plenty of that in our home. Come to think of it he also would do a monkey call, so...

Over the last year and a half he has sweetly cooed “oh hi”, “helloooo”, “how are you”, “I love you”, “whatcha doing”, “oh yum”, “see ya later”, and “come here”. But this episode of parrot parental bliss has ended.

His latest favorite (meaning he says it over and over and over and over again)is “Barrett”. While this seems innocent enough, it’s not. He doesn’t coo it like he does his other phrases. He sounds annoyed.

My poor Barrett is being scolded by the bird all day long.

Barrett is a special addition to our family, he is our middle child, and requires 10 time more attention than everyone else combined. He paces nervously, he hates laundry, can’t stand cell phones, has no concept of personal space, and loves to pant the worst dog breath ever right into your face. That doesn’t mean we don’t love him to pieces, we just MIGHT not be showing him the love he needs. This has been made evident by the fact that Tarzan has said “Barrett” about 500 times since I started writing this.

Oh Barrett, I’m so sorry, I hope Tarzan learns a new favorite soon.

P.S. Barrett, you're a lot bigger than he is... if you happen to take a wing off I wouldn't blame you.

1 comment:

  1. Two year olds are pretty good mimicers to. I realized i needed to change my phrasing when the 2 year old I watched started saying "Shut-up Nicky!" When his 1 year old little brother would whine. I hadn't even realized I was saying that. Now its "SHUSH Nicky!" Better but not the best.
