This little one...
Is now this big one. He is a walking ball of jolly energy! We had a blast camping in Big Sur with him (and his Mom and Dad) this summer. He loved the beach and wanted to use his new found walking skills to go straight out into the waves.
Our little Pixie has gone from 3 lbs. 3 oz. at 7 months...
to 4 lbs. 4 oz. at 16 months. What she lacks in size she makes up for in tenacity.
We also took this cutie camping, without her Mom and Dad, because the announcement that she made about her Mommy's tummy having a baby....
resulted in the youngest addition to the family. Although he was too tiny to come camping, we visited in Utah and I got some good cuddle time in with the chunky little man.
As I had hoped a few years ago when I began the adventure that led to me getting this letter in the mail...
I got this in the mail.
And finally this letter...
after multiple "false alarms", "practice runs", "failed placements", or whatever term you choose to use, has led to this...
signing even more paperwork so we could be her parents!
I promise she has a face and it's probably one of the most amazing things I've ever seen, but she is still technically "in the system", so until she is officially 100% ours I don't feel right putting her out there for the world to see. She is two years old. She has big unruly blond curls and ice-blue eyes. She is funny, goofy, witty, affectionate, fearless, and smarter than I think she should be. She has come into our family and filled a place in our hearts that we knew was empty, but had no idea how full it could be.
I plan on writing a lot more about her, she deserves it, but I can't seem to find the words, I'm not sure there are any good enough.